What is this gadget?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Yay! I'm in Spain for two weeks! Yesterday I flew in, and today we (my sister and I) went to lunch with my grandparents and ate albandegas, chorizo, and dulce de lece. Yum! This evening we're gonna go see a musical. :D

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

One of Those Days...

WHERE EVERYBODY SUCKS AND YOU HATE THE WORLD! YAH! So. I, uh, just needed to get that out there. Sorry for making you read that, if you're paying attention to my blog. But I did get a Jamba Juice! AND IT SUCKED! No, jk, it was pretty good. BUT I STILL HATE THE WORLD! SO THERE, POOPERS!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Small Childrens, How You Be Doin' That?!

HOW? Just the other day I saw a small group of childrens and they were like, running and screaming and throwing things and jumping and laughing and HOW? While they did this I sat on a chair dead tired because I'd been outside in the heat for like 20 minutes (if even, probably less) holding a camera in my hand. ENERGY-LESS. While these small children bounced off the walls ceaselessly. HOW DO YOU ACHIEVE THIS HIGH STATE OF ENERGY-NESS? HOOOOW? TELL ME. It's not that I dislike the way modern pre-teens and teens are - we can shop for hours while laden with 20 pounds of shopping bags while no 2 year-old could achieve such a feat - but I just wish I had as much energy as those little tikes. Well, maybe it's the naps. I suppose I'll have to try it sometime, but for now, this has been your average tired teenage Jelly, reporting for duty!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!

4th of July. The day on which millions of Americans spend much money on food and decorations and snacks, and proceed to indulge in multiple kinds of classic American foods. Yet how many times throughout the hot summer day the we call the 4th of July does anyone think, wow, what rich history our country has; wars, hardships and freedom. I'm so blesses to live here! Not once, I'd be willing to bet. I just think that maybe we should have a few less pool parties and fun, and a few more odes to America and passing on of tales from America's old days. Next 4th of July, try to think about why we really made it a national holiday, and not just the fact that fo ryour fourth of July outfit this year, you don't like your red shirt and blue pants together. -Truly and Sincerely, Jelly

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Do you watch bollywoods movies? And no, 'Slumdog Millionaire' does not count. If so, have you seen Veer-Zaara? And if not, this is the one to start with. It's stunning, filled with snowy mountains and rolling green hills. The tale of love weaves a plot so in depth that by the end of the movie you will be in tears. The scandal and action give the movie an exciting edge. It's the most beautiful film I've ever seen. I love it. WATCH IT.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Texas Is Ceeewl

So ya. Title pretty much says it all. The beach is gorgeous and fantastic and beautiful. We have N.A.S.A, historic Galveston Island, beaches, big cities and flourishing arts centers. I love the place I live in, and to you haters: WE CAN SUCCEED ANY TIME WE WANT, AND YOU'D HAVE NO OIL SOURCES! YOU BE JEALOUS!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


It's so weird how people go through phases before they can settle on one definite schedule/idea/etc... Like me. I'll start a blog, blog a ton for a week and then forget it for 3 months. Then I remember, blog at a steady pace for a month and then forget again. Same thing with foods and facebook and other stuff. And everyone does it, too. Not just me. Hm. Weird.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Well... That was... Um. Eventful?

So I hadn't been feeling well for a while, like a really bad sore throat, and I was tired all the time and I had been getting a lot of headaches. So then, late March (I think? It went on for so long I can't really keep much of that time period straight.) I just threw up. Really hard, about every 20-30-40 minutes. Then after about four days of that, I had horrible, terrible congestion. Runny/plugged up nose for about a week and a half and I couldn't breathe up till the last few days of it. So, blegh. So that's around two and a half weeks. Then, after that: A week of dry, painful, sharp sore throat-ey-ness and incapacitating headaches. So, that's what I've been doing for the past three and a half weeks.. Sitting at home in bed in various levels and stages of pain. Thnx 4 reading, ttyl! -J

Thursday, April 7, 2011


WHY DO I HAVE THIS SUDDEN SHORTAGE OF POSTING MATERIAL!?!?!? All i can think to say is that God is awesome, I'm moving, I can't find a middle school that I like and Skype is totally awesome. Pbthhh.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Adding to a Prior Post:

So a few posts ago I did a Ginny Weasley costume walk-through, but even though I knew everything I needed and where to get it, I didn't actually have it in my closet; it was still slowly coming together. So for the white button down shirt, which I recently found was not currently available at this time in the year, you can also try http://www.cookieskids.com/ in their uniform section. You can find a gray skirt there as well. So ya, just thought I'd add that. I'll post pictures soon!